Date:2021-09-14 09:54:39 Publisher:admin Click:1786
Torzite, Silicone, Alconite
So What Does SIC Mean? What are SICGuides?Today, Silicon carbide, referred to as Sic, andtitanium carbide are considered the bestmaterials for fishing rod guides. Friction and heatare reduced to a bare minimum with theseadvanced ceramic ring guides. Less frictiontranslates into longer casts. Additionally, thismateria/ stands up to the new braids and superlines
Alconite is a guide material whose base isaluminum oxide. It offers exceptionalHardlosmoothness and durability but at a lowerost than silicon carbide. Fuji aconiteguides were developed to be lighter thanSIC, Hardloy or aluminum oxide. Thesurface is extremely smoothHardloy is another grade of aluminumoxide, another ceramic material, fromg rod guides are made.
You can easily distinguish whether your guide ring is Silicone. The surface of the Silicone guide ring is much smoother than that of Alconite. At the same time, the Alconite material usually uses obvious edges, while the edge of Silicone is very smooth.
These three materials are the main materials of the fishing rod guide ring
Torzite is undoubtedly the best, it has lighter weight, smoother, higher strength, it is flawless except for the expensive price, so you will find them only on your high-end brand name rodsor your custom rods, it is as expensive as the precedingmaterials but us quite durable.
We found the comparison of the three materials in four aspects: "Vickers hardness", "Spesific gravity", "Thermal conductivity" and "Bending strength"
From the table data, we can see that Alconite is heavy but not strong. At the same time, the lower curvature is not conducive to long-distance casting. Torzite ring has good performance from all aspects, especially smoothness , Someone has done an experiment, please see the picture below, keep sliding the fishing line back and forth, from the data point of view
But it is so expensive that it is difficult to see it in ordinary fishing rods, Silicone become the best guide ring material choice due to its excellent performance and cheap price relative Torzite.
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